Here's a little preview of the veil my mom & I are making:

[click to enlarge]
The currently ever-popular super-glamorous birdcage veil! I guess the style we're making would be called a blusher. I haven't yet decided if I want to wear it just below my eyes or just below my nose. I just never saw myself wearing a veil until I discovered the birdcage. Love it.
Love it! I've thought about making my own veil, but considering the only sewing experience I have is from Home Ec in middle school I'm quite confident it would turn into quite the disaster! Are you following a pattern of some kind or just kind of winging it?
Nope. We're just winging it. My mom has more sewing experience than me (mine consists of sewing hair-scrunchies in elementary school, haphazardly mending my brother's friend's clothing also while in elementary school, and the Christmas stocking kit I'm working on for Opie), but neither of us are seamstresses by any means.
See the finished edge on the bottom? It has another to match on the other side (I want to say it's 9" between the two finished edges). We cut the piece to probably about a yard, worked some thread back and forth between the holes by the finished edge, and then puuuulled it, gathering it all together. It's a little messy at the area that we gathered it, but some of that will be covered with the excess netting that didn't need to be gathered, as well as my fascinator.
Here's another shot of it, in its current rough stage:
I know it looks all wonky and lumpy there, but it's not really pulled all the way onto my head and the fascinator will also hold some of that down when I put it on through the veil. Furthermore, that tail hanging down in the back will be trimmed.
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