Yuuuum. Sadly, we only got the one piece of the pie that we cut ourselves. I never thought to ask anyone to set aside the rest of this special pie for us, and while it didn't get served to the guests, it went back to my parents' house and got devoured by everyone staying there. I've never made a public complaint about this before, but hey! That's like eating the top tier of our wedding cake! Sadness.

There's Opie's groom's cake. A very moist and deeelicious carrot cake from Paradise Bakery.

While we're looking at the carrot cake, let's take a closer look. Do those carrots look sort of.. suspect.. to anyone else? No? Just me? I think they go well with these stamps. :P

Let's cut into that tasty pie!

You can tell I am seriously stoked about this pie. Look at that grin.

The anticipation. It's killing me.

Aaaaand we fed each other pie and cake and stuff and then kissed. But the one photo we have of feeding each other looks weird. So let's skip to the kissing. But to make up for skipping that one awkward photo, I provide a far funnier awkward photo:

What is even going on here? I do not know. I think Opie miiight be assuring people that there are about 12 pies and 2 more cakes in the other room awaiting them. Or maybe he's leaning with it and rocking with it. And lord knows what I'm up to. We're so photogenic!
All photos by Jenna Cole, unless otherwise denoted by watermark as Lynn Nguyen's, or unless marked as a guest photo.
I purchased a disc of unedited high resolution photos from Jenna, so all photos by her have been edited by me for the purpose of sharing them with you.
Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa. Indeed it was wrong to eat up the wedding pie, but leftover pie never makes it past breakfast in this house. I'm not sure who all indulged. It is not the same, but how about a First Anniversary Pecan Pie?
Momma, a First Anniversary Pecan Pie would do right nicely. :]
The pie didn't even make it to the morning, I'm afraid. Uncle Tom and Uncle Jim and I ate it. With vanilla whipped cream. We didn't realize it was your wedding pie-- it was just sitting out on the counter where Mom usually puts the M&Ms when we have company. Sorry.
It was delicious, though.
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