I found two bracelets with potential, but they both needed some cleaning up. The top one had a bunch of gunk on the mother of pearl, and the bottom one had a nasty green patina. Either of them could serve as my "something old" for the wedding.

I like the art deco nature of this one a lot. I think it goes well with my finger wave hairstyle and vintage-inspired gown. If memory serves, my mom bought this at an antique store for me. I wore it to prom. It appears to have been well-loved by a prior owner. A chain link that I need to remove anyhow to make it fit better is almost worn through.

This bracelet was some of my maternal grandmother's "junk" jewelry. The clear glass beads were actually painted to look like pearls. When I started cleaning off the patina, the paint started chipping off with it, so I just went ahead and removed all of the paint. It has a really pretty clasp and I love its delicate nature. I also think it hangs better on my wrist than the alternative. The only downside I see to this one is the color of the metal. All of my other jewelry for the wedding is white gold or silver toned. I'm tempted to ignore that little detail so that I can wear something of my grandmother's for the wedding, even if it is just some of her "junk" jewelry. I guess it's been a little over 4 years now since she passed away. I'd like to include her and my grandfather in the day in some way. I miss them.
I think both are really great options - it's a tough call!! I really think both would go well with your dress, but I'm leaning toward option #2 especially since it belonged to your grandmother. It would certainly be a nice way to have her be a part of your wedding. Just my two cents!
That is such a cool idea! I like your blog!
Good luck!
Joy -
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