Ta dah!
My buddio and bridesmaid Kelsey is finally back in town for the summer, and we've been making up for lost time by hanging out into the wee hours most every night. Today, she accompanied me on a very exciting Sam's Club run. At check out, my grocery cart contained: pudding, a whole baked chicken, string cheese, Member's Mark Ensure equivalent, blackberries, and Baby's Breath. That's just how I roll. The cashier told me that he thought only weight lifters drink Member's Mark Nutritional Drink, and then asked me how much I bench. Silly me.. I thought Old People predominately drink Ensure.
Then we went back to my house, I guzzled down an oh-so-nutritionally-balanced meal of chicken and "nutritional drink" (I feel *stronger* already), and we set to work on a trial run of the Baby's Breath bridesmaid's bouquets.
Then we went back to my house, I guzzled down an oh-so-nutritionally-balanced meal of chicken and "nutritional drink" (I feel *stronger* already), and we set to work on a trial run of the Baby's Breath bridesmaid's bouquets.

Kelsey models the bridesmaid's bouquet. Imagine she's wearing a chocolate brown dress. Note the approving smile. Yay, bridesmaid bouquet gets bridesmaid's approval. Maid of Honor, what say you?
With 2 bouquets under our belts now, we make a pretty good bouquet-making team. I'm curious to see how long this bouquet lasts, to see if it'd be possible to make it 1 or 2 days in advance, rather than the morning of the wedding, but either way, we can knock out the 2 fresh flower bouquets in no time.
I may also use fresh flowers for the mothers' corsages, but I have time to figure that out.
I may also use fresh flowers for the mothers' corsages, but I have time to figure that out.

Marginally successful boutonniere
I also tried to throw together a Baby's Breath boutonniere, since my male attendant won't be carrying a bouquet, but I'd like to distinguish him from the groomsmen while also linking his boutonniere to the bridesmaids' bouquets. I obviously need to refine my stem wrapping technique, and I think it needs some long leaves or something as an accent behind it, but at least I know it can be done. It seems like a pretty hardy little boutonniere, too.
All in all, I deem the bouquet trial a success. It's currently hanging out in the kitchen, looking pretty in 1 of the 16 vases I bought 2 days ago at Ikea for about $2 each. These vases will ultimately be used as part of our centerpieces.
1 comment:
I picked up some of those same vases for our centerpieces - can't beat that price!
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