I've been looking for some way to add something festive to our reception space. I drew inspiration from today's Offbeat Bride post, wherein the bride decorated her reception space with hand-made bunting, or affectionately dubbed "midwestern prayer flags".


I've actually done a similar DIY project in the past. I made something along the lines of narcissistic prayer flags when I was in Higher Level IB Art in high school. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of the final result - I strung up a whole bunch of them at my gallery show at the end of the course. I do have a photo of a single flag from early in the series though:

Obviously I won't stamp a bunch of pictures of myself on flags to hang around at our wedding, but I could happily pour some time into creating a linoleum block stamp to print onto our flags! I don't know what the stamp would say/look like, but once the stamp was created, it'd be a pretty easy and fun (if a bit time-consuming) mass production project.
I don't know if I want to make the flags triangular like traditional bunting, or more rectangular along the lines of prayer flags. I like the look of both a lot. What do you think?
Although we won't have a tent, that's the cutest tent decor ever.

I don't know if I want to make the flags triangular like traditional bunting, or more rectangular along the lines of prayer flags. I like the look of both a lot. What do you think?
Although we won't have a tent, that's the cutest tent decor ever.

This, however, IS our venue, and I still think we could use them. It seems to me we could hang them from the cross beams between the pillars at the edge of the covered area. There are also lights in those cross beams, so we could still see them after dark! We could theoretically also hang them from the trees, but I think I'd rather stick with lights in the trees. Oh, we could hang some more bunting on the railing around the patio, though! That'd be a lot a lot a lot a loooot of bunting though. Where do you think I should draw the line?
I'm kind of partial to the triangular flags. I think they seem a bit more festive to me.
As for where to hang them, that's a tough one. I definitely agree that the cross beams between the pillars would be a natural place for where to go, but I think I would stop there. Would you even be able to see anything that was added to the rails of the patio once it got dark out?
I love this idea :) I live in a small liberal town where many a-house have the prayer flags hanging on their porches.
I'm more partial to the square flags...mostly because the triangular ones make me think of used car lots in my hometown...but that is just me!
Either would look great though!
Check out this wedding I just saw this morning...I love the flags on the cake! Definitely more martha than dalai lama
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