So, before I can get my dress properly hemmed, I need to choose some shoes! Shoes and I, we have this relationship. I want shoes that are -me-, and that go with my dress that is also very -me-. I was originally planning to wear flats, but honestly, pumps and me, we have a special bond. But if I find the perfect flats, I wouldn't turn them down. Also, I would love some uber-bright-colored non-white shoes, but alas, I don't think that really goes with my dress. All that being said, I now present you with a sampling of the shoes I've been drooling over tonight.

These were so ridiculously out of my price range, but so delightfully flat and green. Yum. As previously mentioned, alas, they wouldn't complement my dress very well anyhow.

Pump-like but nearly flat with that itty-bitty heel. Unless the back is too narrow, these look wonderfully comfy.

I could see these working for the occasion, being comfortable, satisfying my desire for something -different-, and also becoming a staple in my wardrobe post-wedding. Have I mentioned that I love shoes? Yes?

How completely adorable are these?! Maybe a little too bright white for my dress, and I don't know what the purpose of the slit in the front is, but tooootally cute. If I had a lacy dress, these would definitely be on my wish-list.

Super-cute flats. Look at that detailing. Yummy. Again, possibly too bright-white, but I don't know how much my shoes will show either way...

I already have 1 pair of similar shoes to these in all-black. I'm a sucker for these. Wouldn't it be totally adorable if Opie wore shoes that matched (sans heel, of course)? Eh? Eh? I dunno if they really go with my dress but.. WANT.

Cute. Pumpiness.

I think the simplicity & texture of these would go beautifully with my dress. Gorgeous.

Told you I was a sucker for these! [drools]

I don't normally go for wedges, but these are lovely. Unfortunately, if memory serves, they were described as rather uncomfortable and poorly sized. Boo.

The even cuter sister to the previous shoe, methinks.

This is another pair that I could see being a wardrobe staple. I don't know if they really satisfy my need for something different though.

Cute, cute, cute. Mary-jane with an adorable little heel.
Soooo yay! Shoe porn galore. Hope you enjoyed. I think I'll hit up Nordstrom Rack tomorrow and see what I can find in person. Coupled with my love for shoes are my wonky feet, so I really need to try shoes on before buying them.
Nice selection.!! I always prefer to shop at Nordstrom for getting beautiful shoes at affordable prices.
your taste in shoes totally rock.
AND i totally jacked your inspiration thanks!
Thanks. The inspiration boards posted here aren't mine (although I have some self-made unposted ones) so credit probably shouldn't be given to me. I'd link if I knew for sure, but the odds are great that the ones on here are originally from Snippet & Ink.
someone never posted about their dress! c'mon! I love the draping :)
@Miss Rye Bread - I knoooooow. But the fiance sometimes reads this blog! Hm, hm, hmmm. I'll probably post about it 'fore too long nonetheless.
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