I'm very excited to check this off our list. Other significant items left to attend to? Order rings. Buy table linens. Set up playlists. Finish a list of various time-consuming crafts.Other stuffity stuff.
But instead of dwelling on what's left on my laundry list, allow me to elaborate on our wedding officiant.
See, I browse my local craig's list ads on a regular basis, usually using the search term "wedding." I've found some good deals on there, like my votive holders and my hair fascinator, not to mention a ton of furniture items and appliances. About 2 weeks ago, I was sitting in my biology summer school class, failing to pay attention, and browsing the good ol' list of craig. I found a particularly amusing advertisement for a wedding minister. I promptly sent it to my bridesmaid Kelsey via IM as she sat behind me in class. She stifled a giggle, and we both admitted it was slightly tempting to contact this guy. I e-mailed it to my beloved fiance with a title something along the lines of "For your viewing pleasure", intending to share the joke with him.
Here. I'll let you in on the "joke" too:

Click to Enlarge
And then Opie called my bluff. Finding our officiant is a task I assigned to the boy a number of months ago, so what did he do? He called Virgil the tatted-up biker officiant before I even got home from school. He reported that he seemed like a very down-to-earth guy and had offered an extremely reasonable price when compared to the officiants we've found based in Dallas. D'oh.
Guess what we did today? We drove up to Sherman and met with Virgil the tatted-up biker officiant and his police dispatcher/wedding officiant wife, at my favorite coffee shop in the Dallas area. And y'know what else we did today? We decided we want Virgil the biker officiant to perform our wedding ceremony. His wife has already made significant progress in helping us write the ceremony and they're totally willing to create any sort of ceremony we want. Bahahaha. I'm sorry, I can't help but laugh a little bit maniacally at how awesome (and moderately ridiculous) our wedding is becoming.
Guess what we did today? We drove up to Sherman and met with Virgil the tatted-up biker officiant and his police dispatcher/wedding officiant wife, at my favorite coffee shop in the Dallas area. And y'know what else we did today? We decided we want Virgil the biker officiant to perform our wedding ceremony. His wife has already made significant progress in helping us write the ceremony and they're totally willing to create any sort of ceremony we want. Bahahaha. I'm sorry, I can't help but laugh a little bit maniacally at how awesome (and moderately ridiculous) our wedding is becoming.
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