I think it's quite lovely!
We've recently discovered One Eleven Ranch Picnic Area and are seriously considering this location for our fair-weather ceremony site. It's a gorgeous little secluded park in Garland with giant oaks and other trees of various varieties.
Here's the entrance sign. Yaaay concrete. Very exciting.

What lies inside is much more exciting though.

To give you some sense of the scale of the trees, that little black blob next to a tree near the horizon line is Opie leaning down toward our 60 lb puppy.
The spot that we both favor, although there are some other candidates in the park, is this:

This photo doesn't really do it justice, but the way all the trees come together here is very reminiscent of some sort of outdoor cathedral. Quite magical.
Sherlock Hol-- err, Opie & Trajan seem to approve.

This somewhat raggedy pavilion is available to rent for $100 for a half-day. We considered having the reception there, but there's a no alcohol policy in the park. Poo on that. If we do use One Eleven, we might still rent the pavilion so we can stage things there, etc. It's about 150 yards or so from the aforementioned tree-cathedral. Also, there's ample convenient parking at the park.

As for the reception, we considered the Heard Museum, but their rental areas were tacky and overpriced, so we nixed that. Our neighborhood clubhouse is unfortunately far too broken up to be usable. The next spot we plan to check out is Chestnut Square in McKinney. The photos look pretty good, but we shall see.
This is the Bevel Reception House at Chestnut Square (with a banquet capacity of 100):

And here's the reception pergola/garden:

The website's kind of poorly set up and lacks interior shots of the building, so I'll write about it further when we go check it out sometime soon.